Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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Authenticity | Reliability| Empathy

Last week, I shared a few thoughts following Queenie’s death, and in doing so, shared 6 tips to influence without authority. This week, I will share a couple of thoughts and videos about trust. Trust is the foundation for everything we do and build. 

But before anything, thank you, my dear readers! “Thank Olivier for your newsletter! You share some very interesting and thought-provoking content. I really appreciate them” Here is a random token of appreciation shared with me this week! Please keep on sharing, using, and forwarding if the content works for you

After all, it seems that I won’t have to bribe or dance naked for people to like what’s in here! So, let’s crack on!

First, just a quick reminder on the 6 tips to lead softly as we will build from them.

1. Seek to serve

2. Be a people person

3. Deliver the goods

4. Speak their language

5. Be empathetic and a good listener

6. Communicate outcomes instead of actions

Last week, speaking with you about Queen Elizabeth II, I mentioned how many people and countries across the world trusted her to do the right thing. 

The word Trust, appeared twice in the 6 soft power elements I listed. First, in “delivering the good”, and how trust is important in delivering what we say we would. Second, in being “empathetic”, which requires the person you engage with to believe that they can trust you with their feelings. This is key as you touch the core of the person, something deeply personal.

When I recently discussed the topic with experts, I came across the Trust Equation by David Maister, Charles H. Green, and Robert M. Galford. That representation fascinates me as I feel it summarises brilliantly what we just said above and more. Please enjoy and use it as much as you can!


What can you do to instil more trust in your relationship (team, colleagues, management, or broader relationships)?