Rising above thanks to a supporting hand

Two climbers helping each other reach the peak of their challenging rise.

Individual coaching

Individual coaching is about personal learning and change in personal and professional contexts. The purpose is through present and challenging conversations to gain clarity, sharpen your performance, and bring more of your potential as a human being and leader to fruition.


You set the direction. I aim to help you find your answers, and I ask you to take full responsibility for your success. You will be asked the questions that provide insight and courage, which challenge your notions of yourself and your surroundings, which confront you with blocking habitual thinking, and which help you see your values, strengths, and purposes.

To get the most out of us working together:

  • Keep an open mind and be playful to allow the extraordinary to show up

  • Allow yourself enough time to reflect and work on the action items we will design together

  • Be patient, as getting what you want or where you want to be is a journey

  • Enjoy and trust the process. It works.


My approach to coaching is based on the ICF guidelines and core competencies. The ICF describe well how a session works.

I will listen to you and hear you as the person you are, treating all you say with respect and absolute confidentiality. I combine deep care with a creative understanding and practical focus, asking you to experiment with, and experience, what you are learning.  I offer you my sensibility, sense of humour, experience, insight, support, intuition, and challenge.


Together we build a creative partnership, focused on discovering what really matters to you and unlocking your gifts, energy, and courage to make any changes you want to make.


I work face-to-face, by phone, or Zoom, all of which can be very effective. You may prefer face-to-face, or you may find the phone easier.

Starting with a Free chemistry session where we will learn about one another and how the process works, we can work on a simple, one off session, or develop a more structured programme of engagement across time, or a set number of sessions, or with a defined intention. I will be guided by you.

Let’s talk.