High performance habits

Seek clarity in your social interactions. High performers are not born extraordinary; they grow through steady and persistent practice that involves a conscious attempt to master certain habits. They are highly aware of the purpose of their work, stay energetic, use external motivators, know how to increase productivity through careful planning, regularly connect and give to those around and take bold risks.

Key insights

  • The key to high performance isn’t personality or inherent gifts; it’s good habits and high confidence.

  • High performers have self-awareness and a clear purpose in life.

  • High performers have a positive outlook on life and are physically and mentally fit.

  • High performers use inner and outer expectations to stay motivated.

  • High performers avoid distractions and are smart with their deadlines.

  • High performers are appreciative, giving and aware of what others need to succeed.

  • High performers aren’t afraid to take risks and are open about their ambitions.

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The Inner Game of Tennis