Zero talent required
A couple weeks ago, I talked about the excuses we keep using to get ourselves out of a task, our goal, our dream, or simply to justify any sort of procrastination. This week I want to serve you with some powerful hacks.
A hack doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult, actually the simpler the better.
While we use many excuses the two that we most commonly use refer to time and money. As excuses are often about a lack of resources, the third most common excuse is lack of ability and talent.
So this week I would like to offer some simple tips on how to hack this talent gap.
Below are 10 tricks that require ZERO TALENT
Being on time
Making an effort
Being high energy
Having a positive attitude
Being passionate
Using good body language
Being coachable
Doing a little extra
Being prepared
Having a strong work ethic
Between you and I, how many of those 10 can you say you consistently hit? Looking at those 10, I can clearly see a couple I need to work harder on.
Do any seem hard? Far off? Challenging? How impactful can each of them be?
For each I could imagine a scenario where it could create a lifechanging situation. So, can you imagine if you properly acted on two of them? Or three? Maybe four? …Could we push to five?
I leave it to you…
Out of those 10 talent hacks what are the top 5 you can commit to working on consistently?