Stand up tall 🙌
Body&Mind | Head up | Confidence
Last week, we talked about Stan “the man” Lee. This week, I want to talk about how we carry our bodies and our physical presence.
Body and mind are closely connected, and there’s no question that one drives the other. The question is which way round is it? Two schools of thought exist.
When I talked about Superman’s Lycra and red pants a couple of weeks ago I wonder if it was what gave him his superpowers. Superman flies but observe how he walks: head up, shoulders back.
Batman for that matter does the same. I am not here to talk about DC Comics, as the same applies to Thor, or even my beloved French Asterix when he takes the potion and wants to kick some Roman butts. Comparing Asterix to Batman? Yes! Check out how they walk! Head up, shoulders back.
But it is not just about superheroes and fantasy. When my sister was younger, she did a lot of classical dance, and there again they learnt to walk with their heads up, shoulders back.
And how does someone who walks with their head up appear? Secure, confident, in control, knows where they’re going, etc.
As I said in the intro, your body might follow your mind, but your mind might be tricked by your body.
So, if now we know that walking head up offers a sense of confidence, who doesn’t want to walk with their head up? This is simple and you just need to have the right posture!
So, how can we work together on this posture?
Everyone has their own recipe but let me share four hacks that I am using regularly, if not daily.
Work out your core and glutes. Yes, your arse! The core and glutes are the muscles that hold your body together. Your glutes, as the biggest muscle in your body, can not only release a copious amount of endorphins and serotonin (alongside many other positive hormones) but also hold “you” together. Getting in shape and confidence often go hand in hand.
Practice Yoga. I don’t have to explain why for those who practice already. It took me time to discover this ancient, popular practice. But when it comes to stretching your spine and realigning body and mind, there is nothing better.
Change your desk chair for a Swiss ball. Yes, the round, bouncing ball that you find at the gym. No more relying on the back of the chair or sitting in strange positions! This ball forces you to work out your core. When I made the switch, it was uncomfortable at first as my body was lazy and was searching for the back support. But now it is just my default “chair” and I’ve put the real chair in the cupboard. On top of that, if you had a shit day at work, or are stressed, or not present in the moment, just bounce for few minutes on the ball! Magically, stress will disappear!
Raise the direction of your solar plexus. Out of the four, this is by far the cheapest and easiest to practice anywhere. Your solar plexus is centred above your abs and below your chest. Point to it with your finger which becomes an extension of it. If your body is down, body in, your hand will point to the floor. Now, consciously keep your finger on your solar plexus and have your hand point up to the sky, magically your chest go up, your shoulders widen and your head rises. Dead simple and in times of stress, a very simple hack!
So those four simple hacks should change your posture and as a result, your confidence! Plus, who knew Bruce Wayne’s secret was a Swiss Ball!
How tall will you stand?