Longevity hacks⌛
Longevity | Smile | Food
Last week, we talked about how our bodies and minds are related and how even just a simple change to your posture can give you confidence. This week, I want to talk about immortality! No, more seriously, the topic of longevity.
A couple of months ago, I was having a conversation on this topic with my dad who is a doc. To my surprise, since 1921 we have been gaining a third of a year every year. From 60 years in 1921 to 80 in 2021. Where will it stop?
As an ex-smoker, part of the answer to this question is undoubtedly in what we do, eat, and put in our bodies. But in my opinion, it all starts with the mind.
So, do you have a Longevity Mindset?
How long you live is a function of many factors, including your mindset. You can will yourself to death or will yourself to a longer healthspan. I don’t know about you but I know the one I prefer. I would rather stay on this round planet a little longer. I’m not ready to check out just yet!
As long as I can still enjoy it, and be myself. Life is short, but if it is to extend it and not be able to enjoy it, it is a bit of a waste.
It may seem obvious, but we rarely shape our mindset, often just accepting what we have.
As you know already, my mission is to transform the way you think, to transform your mindset about many factors, including longevity.
So, what shapes your Longevity Mindset?
Today, I want to share 6 areas that you can impact today.
#1) What You Believe: At one end of the spectrum, you see life as short and precious — you’ll consider yourself lucky if you make it to 75. At the other end, you’re focused on making “100 years old the new 60.” You see aging as a disease, and you actively track medical breakthroughs that have the potential to slow or even reverse aging (and I am not talking about cryogenic freezing!)
#2) What You Read / Your Media Consumption: The type of media you consume (e.g., books, blogs, news, movies) directly affects your outlook on yourself and life — for better or worse. Are you choosing uplifting or depressing media?
#3) Your Community: The people you spend time with shape who you are and what you do. At one end of the spectrum, you only hang out with older people who constantly talk about growing old and worry about death. At the other end of the spectrum, you spend time with people who are optimistic and youthful (physically or mentally), and who actively pursue some sort of longevity.
#4) Sleep: Sleep is fundamental and critical. We actually, physiologically *need* 8 hours. Do you believe the motto that “There’s plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead”? Or do you prioritize sleep and use the best techniques to help you achieve 8 healthy hours of sleep?
#5) Diet: There is truth to the saying “You are what you eat.” Do you eat whatever you want, whenever you want? Are you overweight, eating way too much sugar? Have you intentionally shaped your diet, with a no-sugar/keto or vegan diet? Or have you explored and mastered intermittent fasting to maximize your energy and longevity?
#6) Exercise: Along with your mindset, sufficient sleep, and a healthy diet, exercise is fundamental to longevity. The latest research on longevity makes it clear that increasing muscle mass is critical. At one end of the spectrum, you don’t exercise at all. But on the other end, you consider exercise a must. You exercise at least three times each week, whether it’s interval training, weightlifting, or yoga. Perhaps you even take peptides to naturally boost your growth hormones to increase muscle mass.
Where can you improve? What would it take to improve?
Ultimately, science is going to continue to extend our healthy human lifespan. Our job is not to die from something stupid in the interim...
Out of all the hacks shared here in this letter what are the 3 health hacks you can act on today and keep practicing?