Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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Engage with Challengeđź’Ş

Start | Courage | Growth

Last week, I talked about paying attention and with it, that what you invest in, grows. This week, I will share another way to grow: engaging with challenge.

But first, in the last few days, I received some impromptu words of appreciation for what this letter offers. Thank you! 🙏♥I try to openly share my thoughts and journey and try to support you in your beautiful growth journey too as when nurtured and encouraged, it blossoms further. I feel blessed and honored if some of my words touch you. If you think there is value for you, maybe there is some for others around you, so please share and expand this circle of growth! â™Ąđź‘Ź

From Greta who engages with climate change, to my friend who engages with the way he consumes, to you engaging with a new job or a difficult life situation, or myself in engaging with the challenge of producing value to you weekly in this newsletter or transforming my identity to become a professional coach, we all engage with challenges.

Our society usually encourages us not to engage with a challenge...it encourages us to hang back and seek safety and comfort. Most products and services advertised day and night are designed to make us more comfortable and less challenged.

And yet….

Only challenge rocks the soul.

Only challenge stretches the bounds of our creativity.

Only challenge causes movement.

Only challenge will test our skills and make us better.

Only challenge and the boldness to engage the challenge will transform us.

Every challenge we willingly and enthusiastically accept is an opportunity to create and be more grateful, skillful, powerful, wealthy, happy, loving, loved, healthy…

And how do we face a challenge?

We begin. We begin something. It can be small. (Think even smaller!) That first step on the journey. But it’s always worth it.

What if I never begin? If I never begin, then I’m living my life, in the image of the poet William Olsen, like a flower "living under the wind."

The wind is good for plants and trees. It blows strength into them. A motionless tree getting brittle in the windless sun snaps apart in the first rain.

Embrace challenges, start small but start.

On point to the topic, I just came across this -  Who is the worst?

“The worst golfer in town came in last in the club tournament.

Actually, that’s not true. The worst golfer didn’t even enter.

Well, that’s not true either. The worst golfer doesn’t even play.”

…. Just start!


What does engaging with challenge means to you?