What would you say?✉

Letter | Old self | Play

Last week, I talked about engaging with challenges and with it, the idea of simply starting, even if it seems small, it’s worth starting somehow. This week, I will share a hack on how to reframe yourself when facing those challenges.

A life-changing hack: Have your old self write a letter to your young self! I’ve done this exercise myself before, and it is SUPER powerful! 

To make this exercise even more real and impactful, take a selfie, and download it on one of those apps that makes you look older (I was actually happy the way I looked 30/40 years from now ahahah).

Now, you are ready, put this picture in from of you and think about you being this old self. You are basically yourself at 70 or 80 and you are writing a letter to your “young self” aged 30 or 40…

What will you say?

Who have you met?

What will you share?

What have you learned?

What have you changed?

What has come clear to you?

What wisdom do you want to share?

What has become important to you?

What experience has been life-changing?

What are the regrets or moments of pride?

What have you achieved that you are proud of?

What route have you taken that you were sure of?

What risks have you taken that you were so hesitant about?

What are the funny events or small things when you are 70 that are so big and important when you are 30/40?



[write questions that you think will be important to you!]

Look at this old face, project yourself and let the flow go where it goes! Let the pen or your fingers on the keyboard go. I wrote two full pages! 

Now leave it and come back to it one year!

Time as you know is the only resource that we cannot get back, so this exercise helps you recognize that we are not immortal and time does pass. And as your old self is closer to an end than we are today, they want to share and give, and who better to help than their young self?! No one else!

 Genuinely, this exercise is pure TNT!


What would your 70-year-old self share with your 30-year-old self?


Important vs. Urgent⏰


Engage with Challenge💪