Tools of titans

Don’t be afraid of bad ideas. There’s no single path to success and, while every person’s journey looks different, you can still take inspiration and advice from those who came before you. Their success stories will expand your horizons, teach you how to put yourself on the right track and compel you to keep trying no matter what.

Imagine you could talk, one-on-one, with some of the most successful people in their respective fields. What would you get out of it? Well, if you asked the right questions, you’d probably gain a ton of insight. And that’s exactly what Tim Ferriss got from talking to a broad range of experts on his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show.

In this book, Tim lays out the advice these people gave about health, wealth and wisdom. Extreme athletes, cartoonists, entrepreneurs, comedians – all these professions are represented, and each has some knowledge that can be applied to almost anything.

Key insights:

  • Some of the best health tips come from extreme athletes.

  • There’s no formula for maintaining personal health.

  • Working a really tough job will give you the perspective and the drive you need to succeed.

  • Success comes from working with long-term systems, rather than short-term goals.

  • Ignoring peer pressure and taking big risks are both key to success.

  • Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg are comic geniuses with recipes for creativity.

  • Being creative requires living your life and embracing fear as well as discomfort.


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