The Chimp Paradox

In the Chimp Paradox (2012), Prof Peters explains the complicated and crazy mess that is the human brain. This book explains why people can be calm, rational and composed one minute but then irrational and irate the next. You will learn how you can keep your cool when faced with triggering situations. The chimp-like part of our brain affects our decisions, emotions and how we interact with other people. Sometimes it’s in conflict with the more rational and human side of our brain and makes us behave in ways we might otherwise try to avoid



Your brain is composed of distinct parts (“planets”), each operating according to its own internal logic. Some are rational, thoughtful and objective, while others are highly emotional and impulsive or simply automatic. While such differences can naturally come into conflict, you can manage them through awareness and training.



Key insights

  • The human brain has two primary ways of thinking (the human and inner chimp) that often come into conflict with one another.

  • Manage your inner chimp by giving it room to vent.

  • Automatic functioning is essential to human existence, but it has a destructive side.

  • Get rid of your goblins by identifying them and replacing them with positive alternatives.

  • The chimp tends to forget that different people have different brains.

  • People communicate in four basic ways (chimp/chimp, chimp/human, human/chimp, human/ human) and knowing how to get your point across without getting aggressive is key.

  • Getting healthy is easy if you focus on solutions instead of problems.

  • Seek out happiness and celebrate your victories.


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