
Have you ever read a biography of a successful person where his or her success is attributed to pure dumb luck? Probably not. Rather, when it comes to success stories, we like to think that the people in question have earned their success through talent and hard work. This is the myth of the “self-made man,” and this book will show you that it lacks foundation. You’ll see how many unseen factors influence a person’s success, and most of them lie beyond that person’s control.

Key insights:

  • Our culture celebrates the myth of the “self-made man.”

  • Once you reach a certain threshold, increased abilities no longer help you succeed.

  • World-class mastery of anything demands around 10,000 hours of practice – no easy feat.

  • The month you’re born in can have a huge effect on what you achieve.

  • How you’re brought up can radically impact how successful you become.

  • The year you’re born in can make or break you.

  • Where you come from – geographically and culturally – can have a particularly large effect on what you achieve.

  • If we recognize the importance of cultural legacy, we can help more people work towards success – and prevent failure.

  • If we recognize the reasons behind uneven playing fields, we can create more opportunities for people to succeed.

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