Eat that frog!

“I wish I had more time to finish this project.” “How will I fix the table before the in-laws visit?” “I can’t possibly get all these things done.”

Sound familiar? Whether it’s at home or the office, we’re constantly pushed by an insane amount of things to do. When we do tackle them, we don’t have the time to do them as well as they ought to be done, and so we get frustrated. Know the feeling?

Fortunately, it won’t take a life overhaul or major surgery to get more things done. You just have to be a bit more productive, and perform at a higher level.

That’s what this book is about. Find out how to “eat the frog” – or tackle the biggest, hardest, most important tasks first – while becoming more disciplined and focused. Be the boss of your to-do lists and discover a more efficient you.

Key insights:

•           Every successful goal starts with a good plan.

•           Establish your priorities and focus on them.

•           The path to progress is all about self-exploration.

•           Perform best by staying optimistic and self-disciplined.

•           Acknowledge what’s holding you back – then overcome it.

•           Take control of your own time.


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Inner – Engineering