Existential Lawsđź‘®
Laws I Nature I Success
Last week, we talked about billionaires’ life wisdom and several principles, or laws they shared. This week’s letter will explore 14 fundamental existential laws.
Several ideas today will challenge rational minds or those who grew up in a scientific, fact-based culture (…like me!!), so be playful and open to the sharing.
Exactly as Steve Jobs thought "it would all be ok" dropping out of College.
Let's build up to Christmas and dream together!
Couple weeks ago, I explained our connection with nature, wind and water, today's follow-up is not only about considering nature but the Universe in its entirety, and what governs it. Put in another way, what are some principles or laws of the Universe?
In our society, a law is something we obey (or at least should). We, as citizens, have a “code of conduct” and laws we abide by. We can discuss, argue, agree, or disagree with them, but there is a list of accepted behaviours. Without us realising (or maybe you do after a personal life event), Nature and the Universe are also regulated through principles or laws.
The Universe exists in perfect harmony.
Without a doubt, there are certain fundamentals that give us insight and direction into how everything works including how to be better people and so receive more desirable results as managers and leaders. These essentials are called the Seven Natural Laws through which everyone and everything is governed.
In no particular order, they are the laws of:
Cause and Effect
Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
There is no judgement within the governance or application of these, no seeking to punish or reward. They are impersonal, operating automatically, typically along unconscious lines. The more you come to accept, apply and align your life and your business with these universal laws, the more you will experience transformation beyond what you have even imagined.
Apply these seven principles and you will enjoy greater balance and satisfaction in life especially in your understanding and connection with others.
Consider these laws personally and as a leader, be it of your family, as an employee, manager or business owner.
These principles are constant, life is the variable.
The Law of Attraction
Like attracts like. People attract energy like the energy they project. Positive people attract others like them or those moving in the same direction and vice versa. You are a magnet. You attract people, ideas, and resources that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Thoughts and feelings are energy. Whenever you are sensitive to someone else’s feelings, when you are aware of your own feelings, this is a conscious perception of a vibration i.e. energy (either positive or negative). You have the power to change your thoughts by what you choose to think about, by how you speak to yourself and others. The energy you project is what you will receive. You are what you project so be conscious of what you are sending out, and be consistent with the person you want to be.
The Law of Polarity
Everything in the Universe has an equal or an exact opposite. In general, we accept that there is good and bad, positive and negative and on it goes. Joy and sorrow are both beautiful, you cannot have one without the existence of the other. You cannot have change without a place or point from which to change. Think of two points of view and how they need each other. Change often fails in part because those wanting to make the change have a single point of view, which they believe is the whole and perfect solution. Each side will have their own view and regardless of the final agreement both will always exist. You cannot have one without the other so you must embrace the opposite to find a way to move forward.
The Law of Relativity
Everything is relative. You cannot define something without having something to compare it to. The existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another. The mind is always comparing in an effort to define where things are and how to position yourself given the situation at hand. Look at things as “it just is”, without judgment and look to avoid the sense of being better or worse. Focus your competitive nature on yourself and your own results as your primary target and let the rest fall into place.
The Law of Cause and Effect
For every action we take, there is an effect, one that ripples through the Universe. Your actions impact everything and everyone around you and that energy goes on to impact others beyond that. If you send good thoughts and positive energy out, you will receive the same back, and of course, the opposite is also true. We are the creators of the effect we want, so stop and think before you act.
The Law of Rhythm
All things in the Universe are moving in perfect rhythm, in a measured motion like a pendulum. Everything in existence is involved in a dance flowing and swinging back and forth. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat, a rising and a lowering. We can learn to be flexible and accepting or choose to resist and become rigid. It is when we are rigid that we are at risk of breaking. Stop, breathe and allow your natural rhythm to return, shaking away negative thoughts. Develop your “flex power” and accept when you must stop and reframe. Stay focused on your vision and adjust with the flow.
The Law of Gender and Gestation
Both male and female energies are necessary for creation. These are two complementary energies, that of giving and taking, which gives rise to new creation. We can look at this as masculine, feminine and gender-neutral. For example, speaking is masculine energy (asserting) and listening is female energy (receiving). Let’s be clear, the actual sex of the person is of no importance!
This is the creative law. This law decrees that all seeds – most importantly “thought seeds” – have a gestation period before they manifest. It takes an appropriate amount of time for thought, image, or creation to move into its physical counterpart.
Respect the creation process and welcome both the masculine and feminine energy.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
All energy fields are connected, always moving, and transmuting into and out of form. Energy is flowing into our consciousness constantly; we transform this energy into whatever we choose through where we focus our attention. This formless energy is amenable to being shaped by our minds. Energy is never actually created or destroyed. It simply moves from one form into another. The beauty of this is that your thoughts have the ability to transmute from the nonphysical to physical all the time, in life and in business.
What are you grateful for today?