Stay Hungry🍴

Les Brown / Dream / Be prepared

Last week, I talked about the Romanovs and how their blind spots changed history. This week, I will discuss the importance of staying HUNGRY!

I don’t know you but talking about eggs two letters in a row (The Easter golden eggs & the Fabergé ones) has made me hungry! 

And when I think of this word, I think of one man, Les Brown!

So, this week I want to share with you one of Les Brown’s most famous speeches and how staying HUNGRY changed his life and how staying HUNGRY might change yours!

So, this is what Les has to say about it…

“I was identified as mentally retarded, put back from the 5th grade into the 4th grade, and stayed in that category until I got out of high school.

I don't have any college training, but I met a high school teacher who one day changed my life! 

I was waiting on another student and when he came in, he said to me: “Young man, go to the board and write what I am about to tell you.

And I said: “I can't do that, Sir.”

He said: “Why not?” I said: “I'm not one of your students.” 

He said: “It doesn't matter. Follow my directions now.” I said: “I can't do that, Sir.”

He said: “Why not?” I said: “Because I'm medically mentally retarded.”

He came from behind his desk and he looked at me. He said: “Don't ever say that again! Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality!” 

And as he talked, my heart began to beat fast. Tears begin to run from my eyes and I was in the back just listening to him because the speech he was giving, that speech, was for me!

And he said: “Les Brown, if you want to do anything worthwhile in life, you've got to be HUNGRY!” 

I told Mr Washington: “I want to become a disc jockey.” And so, I started working to develop myself.

He said: “I want you to practice every day being a disc jockey.” I said: “But I don't have any job now.”

He said: “It doesn't matter! it's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than have an opportunity and not be prepared.” 

And as I was working to develop myself, I applied for a job at the disc jockey WMBM on Miami Beach. I went to a guy named Bolton Butterball, I said: “How are you doing Mr Butterball? I like to get a job as a disc jockey.” 

He looked at me and said: “Do you have any broadcast background?”  I said: “No, Sir I don't.” 

“Do you have any journalism background?” I said: “No, Sir. I don't.” 

He said: “We don't have any jobs available.” I said: “Yes, Sir.” 

I went back to Mr Washington and I told him. He said: “Don't take it personally. Most people are so negative, they will have to say “no” seven times before they say yes.” 

He said: “Go back again.” So I went back again…

I said: “How are you doing, Mr Butterball? My name is Les Brown.” 

He said: “I know what your name is. What do you want?” 

I said: “I like to know whether or not you have any jobs as a disk-jockey Sir.”

He said: “Did I not just tell you yesterday we didn't have any jobs?” 

I said: “Yes, Sir. But I don’t know whether or not someone might have got laid off or somebody was fired.” 

He said: “No one was laid off. Now get out of here.” 

I came back the next day like I was seeing him for the first time. I said: “Hello, Mr Butterball. How are you?”

He looked at me with rage and he said: “Go, get me some coffee.” I said: “Yes, Sir!” 

And I went to get him some coffee! 

After a while, I would get him lunch and dinner, I would go in the control rooms and take the disc jockey’s pulls and I would not leave until they would ask me to leave.

One Saturday afternoon, when I was at the radio station, a guy named Rock was breaking while he was on the air. I was the only one there, looking at him through the control room windows, walking back and forth, young, ready, and HUNGRY! 

The phone rang. It was the general manager. I answer the phone, I said: “Hello.” 

He said: “Les, this is Mr Clan.” I said: “I know” 

He said: “Rock can’t finish this program.” I said: “I know”

He said: “Would you call one of the other DJs in?” I said: “Yes, Sir.” 

I hung up the phone. I said: “Now he must be thinking I'm crazy!” 

I called my mom and my girlfriend, Cassandra, and said: “You will turn up the radio and come out on the front porch, I am about to come on the air!” 

I waited for about 20 minutes and I called him back, I said: “Mr Clan, I can't find nobody.” 

He's said: “Young boy, do you know how to work the control?” I said: “yes, Sir” 

He said: “Go on then and sit down here.” I said: “Yes, Sir.” 

I couldn't wait to get behind those controls. I put on all Stevie Wonder’s records called Fingertips. I sat down behind that turntable. I said: “Look out! This is me. Triple P, Les Brown. Your Platter Plane Papa! There was none before me, there will be none after me! Therefore, that makes me the one and only young and single love to make and certified butter button qualified. To bring you the biggest satisfaction. Hold on for action!” 

I was HUNGRY! I was HUNGRY! You gotta be HUNGRY!

Begin to know that you have greatness within you! And if just one of you here begins to envision yourselves as being blessed and highly favored to reach your goal. If just one of you captures the essence of what that means that you have greatness within you and the responsibility to manifest that greatness. That you can make your parents proud. You can make your school proud. You can touch millions of people’s lives, and the world will never be the same again. Because you came this way! 

It was hard, ladies and gentlemen, coming to speak to people. And I was facing financial difficulties in my own life. I was behind on my bills and my dreams and I'm saying to them: “You can live your dream!” 

It was hard, ladies and gentlemen. It was very difficult to pick myself up each day believing that I could do it. There were times that I doubted myself. I used to ask myself, “Can I do this?” And something said within me: “You are the one! Don't give up on your dreams.” By continuing to push forward. By continuing to run toward my dream. And one day, I would have my own talk show! 

It is a long shot, ladies and gentlemen, from Liberty City, in an abandoned building on the floor. Never knowing my mother or father. 

It's a long shot being here with you today. 

It’s a long shot, no college training labeled ‘mentally retarded’ but I kept running toward my dream! Don't stop! Don’t stop running toward your dreams!”

You gotta be hungry! So ladies and gentlemen, make your dream become reality…

The people that are running at those dreams know that’s possible to live your dream that it’s necessary to be relentless, that you have a plan of action, that you are creative

The people that are living their dreams, find winners to attach themselves to.

The people that are living their dreams are the people that know that if it's going to happen, it's up to them and resolve to do it themselves. It's not over until I win.

People that are running after their dream know they're going to have hard times and keep on running because they're saying to themselves. “I'm the one. I'm the one. No matter how bad it is, how bad it gets, I am going to make it!”

The people that are running after their dreams are the people that are HUNGRY! You gotta be hungry!”

WOW, what a speech! 

Each time I read it, hear it, or watch it, I get goosebumps…..


How hungry are you?

  • What is your plan?

  • How relentless and creative are you?

  • How can you prepare yourself for this opportunity that the universe will present to you?




Blind Eggs😎