Random life thoughts - 1/2 💭

Think fast and slow | Thoughts | Sharing

Last week, I talked about the only thing in life that you can never get back – time. In the letter, I offered my 12 personal hacks to achieve optimal time management. Over the next two weeks, I will share a collection of random life thoughts.

But before heading there, thanks to all those who have shared their tips and approaches to time management, it’s very useful to compare notes! Also, let’s celebrate those who have joined as this community grows, as we expand and challenge ourselves.

I have now been sending these personal development newsletters for over 14 months and in doing so, have collected a few thoughts here and there. Sharing is caring as we say, so how better to make use of those thoughts and have them come to life than to share them with you, my dear friend? 

Some random life thoughts for you today and next week. Some have made me stop, some have made me think, some have made me giggle, they all have certainly provoked something. Hopefully, some will resonate with you, but you might disagree with them, and that’s fine. I will be honored to discuss your own perception and steer.

So, here is a list of 18 thoughts for you to enjoy:

  1. Don’t work to be the best… work to be the ONLY.

  2. If you keep encountering jerks… you’re the jerk.

  3. The people you look up to have read more books than you.

  4. When you stop seeking the approval of others… your power is literally limitless.

  5. Being calm is contagious.

  6. A great question to ask yourself… “What don’t I see?”

  7. The crazy ones make all the money.

  8. Avoid the urgent by elevating the important.

  9. A real mentor can tell you what not to do.

  10. Things are easy to start but HARD to finish (rarely finished).

  11. You are measured in life by what you FINISH… not what you start.

  12. All inventions started as an idea… therefore, your greatest asset is your imagination.

  13. Your goal should be to be respected… not liked.

  14. Writing down three things you are grateful for every day is an inexpensive and effective therapy.

  15. Everybody hates advertising… until they need to sell their own car.

  16. They didn’t apologize if it comes with an excuse… they didn’t compliment you if it came with a request.

  17. Life is much like the stock market. Bad things happen FAST and good things happen slowly. (cannot be more true today! ☹)

  18. At your funeral, they will not talk about your accomplishments… they will talk about what kind of a person you were in the process of achieving those accomplishments.



  • Which one of those 18 thoughts retained your attention?

  • What are some of your personal thoughts that drive you?


Random life thoughts - 2/2 💭


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