I invented Netflix đź‘€

Pub | Cemetery | Action

Last week, I talked about team beliefs and how important it is to all believe that whatever the challenge is, it is possible to reach the end goal and pass the hurdle. This week, I will explain how I invented Netflix but did not pass the main hurdle.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the pub with my friend Julien having a fresh beer. This pub was probably the wealthiest spot in the UK! Indeed, Reed Hastings and Elon Musk were sitting together and having a sip. My friend explained to me how he “invented” Space X!

What? Elon has stolen his idea and Reed mine?? I dare them…well if only! 

I am only half-joking here. Hear me out, Julien is not Elon, nor I am Reed, but we both had those crazy ideas before they become known and globally acclaimed.

But before you think I am totally delusional at best or totally mad at worst, let me explain by rewinding 20 years! 

In business school, I was given a brief to imagine, position, strategise, and price a company. My idea was to stream films and series at home! Rings a bell?!! Yeah, me too!

So, I did! The concept really grew on me as I went through this creation process, and really thought this could be something. I was on something…ON PAPER!

As you can guess it never passed the stage of the paper review. Guess what stage my friend Julien’s engineering school project copycat of Space X is today? You are right, gathering dust in his parents’ garage…

Yet, Netflix and Space X are a reality because someone had the idea, the gut to believe in it, and was maverick enough to follow through with that first (crazy) idea and make it a reality!

From thinking to doing, from talking to acting…

How many ideas are not followed through? How many ideas have you had one morning walking in the street? 

And what if it was you…

This might sound mad, scary, crazy...pick your word, but what if we would have followed through? Does this sound really really crazy after all?

Forget that it is mad or impossible, believe in it and focus on the delivery... one step at a time.

Even if imperfect, some sort of start will lead somewhere. An idea on the sofa or in a pub won’t.

Back to the pub…Julien and I changed the world, or so we thought when actually some mavericks have really done it!


What do you need to believe to create what* you have thought of doing/producing/building for a long time to become a reality?

How will you feel when you create what* you have thought of doing/producing/building passes the ideation stage to become a reality?

What is stopping you today from making the thought you have had for a long time a reality?


Self- caređź’š


Team beliefsđź‘Ź