Golden Easter🐣
Easter / Eggs / Investing
Last week, I talked about changes, this week, I will talk about eggs!
As next weekend is Easter, what could be more fun than an egg hunt!
So, as we are in April and feel very springy, I want to be playful and like a kid, start with a little fairy-tale. One that we all know and is always good to remind ourselves of: The goose that laid golden eggs.
The story goes as follows…
“Once upon a time, an angel in heaven had a goose. She used to take good care of the goose, but once it happened that when the goose was laying an egg, it fell off from heaven to earth. After a few days, a gosling came out from that egg. It was a cute little gosling from heaven.
Years went by and in the nearby village, there lived a farmer with his wife. They were very poor. They had nothing but a little farm where they grew vegetables that they could eat. He used to sell those vegetables and earn his livelihood.
One day, the farmer's wife told him. “Wouldn't it be good if we could have some eggs from time to time? I wish I had a goose to lay us eggs every day.”
The farmer did not have much cash to buy a goose, so he collected some vegetables, and set off to the marketplace to sell all of them, and perhaps get a goose in exchange.
He took the goose home and took very good care of it. He made a nest for it to lay eggs. “The goose will produce eggs which I can use for selling and eating,” thought the farmer. Days passed and one fine morning when he went to gather some eggs for his breakfast, to his surprise the goose had laid a golden egg. Little did he know that the goose was from that egg that was fallen from heaven.
“A golden egg. If what I'm seeing is true, then I'll be a rich man soon,” thought the farmer. He sold the egg and got a handsome amount for it to get rid of all his problems. But he still felt that the money he got was not enough. So, he waited curiously for the goose to lay another egg. He started taking very good care of it. Soon, the morning came. And he found another golden egg. He and his wife were so happy to see the egg. He immediately ran towards the market. Again, he got a very good deal for the egg, and he was soon known as a rich man in the village.
Days passed and slowly and steadily the farmer and his wife became richer and richer. But as they became richer, the couple had also turned greedy and selfish. They both wanted all the riches in the world for them. As soon as possible.
One day the wife came up with a plan. “What if we get all the golden eggs at one time?” The farmer was also fascinated with the idea she had suggested. So, they both decided to cut the goose open! And get all the eggs inside her at one time!
But greed has its own way of teaching them a lesson. They picked up a big, sharp knife and cut the goose’s belly to take out all the golden eggs right away. But it was a huge mistake. They did not even find a single egg inside the goose. And there would never be any golden eggs again. The poor goose lost his life. And the old couple lost their only source of becoming rich. So, they say, greed is a curse.”
Eggs can be eaten in many ways, but always need to be produced in the first place…
What action will you take today to build your golden nest tomorrow?