In the last couple weeks, I referred to sport (professionals and personal experiences), this week I want to build on this to talk about the excuses we give ourselves.
It takes 90 days for a new activity/routine to become a habit (it actually varies between 60 and 120 days). I will touch more on the concept of habits in the future as it’s a fascinating topic. At the end of the day humans are creatures of (empowering or disempowering) habits. A topic for another day.
So 90 days ….
Like many people, since the beginning of lockdown, I have been working from home. One day in early March, I realised that I had only walked 250 metres that day. Scary stuff. Checking my phone I realised that it was not an isolated case. I decided that I couldn’t keep going like this and forced myself to get moving. A mixture of walking, running and going to the gym (when they reopened) would do.
My target was 90 days in a row!
1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day,…
10th day, I was getting into the groove of it and excited…
20th …40th day getting strong,…
60th day visualise the 90 days….
As I reached Day 66, I had my second Covid vaccine. The next day I felt shit. Not sure how it worked for you but it wasn’t the best feeling ever.
A couple days later, on the Sunday I spoke with my sister who asked me this very simple question:
“So, are you going back to 0 then?”
…..[Pause] [fuck!]
As I recall, in that moment it sounded something like this…..
“Well….[excuse], [excuse], [excuse]…”
[long pause] more “….[excuse], [excuse], [excuse]…”
I laugh now and clearly see that I was trying get myself out of it. I knew she was right.
We all think that we don’t have:
enough time
enough money
More than that, we all believe that we’re:
too young/too old
not educated enough/too educated
not practical/intellectual
not clever enough
not canny enough
not the right background
not the right “pedigree”
not credible enough
….Fill the blanks with your own excuses. Don't be shy we all use some.
I started back at 0! I am back at Day 55 and more determined than ever before!
What is the most frequent excuse you use to justify not to doing something?