Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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Unlimited Power

Do you have desires that you haven’t yet achieved? The answer is undoubtedly yes! Many people walk through life feeling unfulfilled yet also believing there is nothing they can do to attain fulfillment.

In the worst case, such feelings can lead to depression and the abandonment of a person’s deepest desires. But what if there was a way to be fulfilled, to achieve the things of which you always dreamed?

You are not a victim. What happens in your life is the result of your own attitude toward it and how you treat yourself and your body. If you want to change your life, start changing your attitude. By making simple alterations to how you respond to situations and your emotions, you’ll find you can achieve anything you want.

Key insights:

  • There is no such thing as failure, as each step you take offers you an opportunity to learn and grow.

  • You can control your brain and inner voice, and change the way you process your emotions to overcome depression.

  • You can achieve anything through the five-step process of modeling (find, imitate, visualise mentally, associate, execute)

  • Use eye movement to activate your brain for improved memory and creativity.

  • By finding the right method of communication, you can make sure your partner receives your love.

  • You can change your body language to fight depression and boost energy.

  • The power of conviction comes when you align your body and mind with a confident plan of action.

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