Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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The obstacle is the way

All too often, people lose faith in their path because an obstacle appears in their way. They believe an obstacle means they need to completely change their path, or give up entirely. But people have tackled obstacles since the dawn of time, and some of the greatest humans who ever lived have come up with ways of dealing with the struggle of everyday life.

 These individuals learned that obstacles will occur in every pursuit we engage in and in every stage of our lives, be it a disagreeable boss who blocks our hopes for promotion, or a precarious economic climate that prevents us from finding work. So instead of avoiding them, we have to tackle them straight on, use them to our advantage, and transform them into conditions for our success. This book shows us the way.

Key insights:

  • Perception, action, and will are the keys to turning obstacles to our advantage.

  • In order to perceive obstacles clearly, we must learn to see objectively.

  • Uncontrolled emotions cloud our judgment and perception.

  • A malleable perspective allows us to see an obstacle’s hidden advantages.

  • Action must be persistent and disciplined to be effective.

  • Focusing on each moment and the overall process helps us achieve our goals.

  • By identifying their weakness, we can learn how to turn obstacles against themselves.

  • Our will enables us to accept what we cannot change, and change what we can.

  • A disciplined will allows us to push ourselves to our mortal limits.

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