Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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Start with Why

Learn the art of leadership, your own and others. What do Martin Luther King, Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright brothers have in common? On the face of it, not a lot. They worked on different projects for different reasons at different times. But there is one thing that unites the four of them: they all understood that no one buys into an idea, project, or product unless they understand why it exists.

Businesses, individuals, and movements of all kinds should always start with “why” – their reason for doing something. This “why” should be the basis for every decision its leaders make and every message they transmit. By doing so, they will attract loyal supporters and garner long-term success.

Key insights:

  • Success is the fruit of design, not of short-term patches.

  • Manipulating consumers brings short-term benefits but undermines firms’ long-term viability.

  • Companies like Apple don’t just sell products – they affirm their customers’ beliefs and values.

  • Our rational brain doesn’t control our decisions.

  • Innovations spread far and wide when they’re championed by a minority of true believers.

  • Companies run into trouble when they lose sense of “why.”

  • Teams focused on “what” often fail, while those that start with “why” are capable of extraordinary achievements.

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