Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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Inner – Engineering

The faster the Western world seems to spin, and the more our thoughts race, the greater our longing for a steadying mental anchor becomes. Many practice yoga to escape the hectic daily rush. Unfortunately, for most of us, yoga is only a physical exercise to prepare our bodies for the next workday marathon.

But yoga is more than a keep-fit class. Yoga is a philosophy and a form of prayer. Yoga targets the energy centers of the body and sharpens the mind.

This book introduces you to the yogi wisdom that’s too often lost in the Western way of life. You will learn to rediscover spirituality, create your own life experiences and find lasting fulfillment.

Key insights:

  • Lasting fulfillment can only be found within yourself.

  • Human perceptions and emotions are self-generated, so you can guide your experience of life.

  • Most people respond to life events compulsively, but you can choose to respond consciously.

  • Contrary to popular belief, responsibility increases your freedom.

  • Enlightenment requires the alignment of body, mind, emotion and energy.

  • The human body is part of the earth and the universe; you’re connected with powerful forces.

  • Our intellect prevents us from experiencing life to its fullest.

  • Certain locations are loaded with spiritual energy, and visiting them can kickstart a spiritual journey.

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