Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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Games people play

Are you a game player? Although you might not be aware of it, the answer to that question is almost definitely yes.

People play games with each other every day: complex, often unconscious interactions that hide the true motives and goals of the players. Fuelled by their fear of intimacy, players can remain stuck in games all their lives.

After reading this book, however, you should be able to understand yourself, and others, a bit better. Drawing on his invaluable knowledge about the psychology of human relationships, the author provides insights on how to spot the games that are taking place all the time, in all kinds of settings and between all kinds of people.

Key insights:

  • Every person has three ego states: Parent, Adult and Child.

  • Games are predictable interactions between ego states.

  • Some games are designed to last a lifetime.

  • Spouses often play games with each other.

  • Social gatherings often make people play games.

  • Sexual relationships often provoke games.

  • People with rule-breaking tendencies often play games.

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