Replacing “for” by “to” 💡
"TO" | Journey | Oprah
Last week, I introduced the feeling wheel as I was saluting Ukraine and talking about feelings. This week, I will talk about how important your journey on your way to achieving your goal is, rather than achieving the goal itself.
We are talking here about the transformational process that takes place.
When a couple of weeks ago I talked about goals I said, “Some might question the idea of setting goals altogether. I would agree as it is not so much what you get in the end than what you become in trying to get it.“ Someone pointed it out as a “wise thought”.
One of the keys for growth and success is to replace “For” with “To” in this sentence …..
“Goal-setting is not about what it does FOR you but what it does TO you.”
💡 Lightbulb moment….
A lot of people are talking about goal-setting as the science to achieve a goal that you define. I have discussed some and will discuss some more in the future as I am a strong believer in this process of goal-setting. From visualisation to affirmation, from chunking it down to delegation, better management of the time or definition of the objectives.
These are techniques and they have their uses. Don’t get me wrong, we need to discuss techniques that help you achieve your goals. But the key part most people miss is the journey!
What mountain have you climbed to achieve your goal?
What late nights have you had to hit your deadline?
What resources have you tapped into?
Who have you had to talk to you wouldn’t have otherwise?
Who have you had to engage with that might have become a friend, a partner of sorts, a mentor, a peer or a coach?
How many rejections or failures have you faced and raised from?
What phone call did you give to get access, information, or insights?
How many kilometres have you driven around?
What research have you done?
What have you learnt on the way?
What discovery and lightbulb moments have you had?
What mistake have you made and learned from?
What experience and skills have you built?
What learning have you captured to reapply elsewhere?
What values have emerged as your fight to achieve this goal?
What beliefs have you had to deconstruct to reconstruct to get what or where you want to be?
Who have you become that you were not at the beginning?
In summary, what many people miss is the journey…
What do I need to do to reach my goal?
Who do I need to be?
Who am I ready to become?
💡💡 Lightbulb moment number 2…
What will achieving your next goal, step, milestone, or destination do TO you?