Olivier Simonnet Coaching

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Feminine & Masculine👫

Secret | Energy | Nun

Last week, I shared 18 random life thoughts, making 36 in total over the last 2 letters. I sprinkled them with other gems. This week, I will talk about the need to embrace and nurture both our masculine and feminine energies.

In the space of 5 days this week, both my sister and girlfriend celebrate their birthdays. Two of the most important people in my life, two women I love. 

I love you both! (Just in case they read this letter 😉)

This week, as I celebrate two of the people that are dearest to me, I thought of the importance of celebrating feminine and masculine alike.

A couple of weeks ago, during a coaching session, my coachee shared that he was in a very good space and full of energy. The reason? He was now “listening to his feminine energy”. I was curious and as we partnered to go deeper, we recognized the need for balance between the masculine and feminine that often is not recognized, understood, appreciated, and nurtured. More often than not it appears that those energies are in conflict rather than complementary. Like the Ying and the Yang, one must support and make the other better, stronger, and shinier.

Interestingly, only a few days after this life-changing chat, this concept of feminine/masculine reappeared in another conversation. A friend was transitioning to become a full-time Pilates instructor and as we discussed her practice, she mentioned that our body has a masculine and feminine side too. I learned that in many traditions all over the world, the left side of the body is the feminine side, and the right is the masculine. 

But what is masculine or feminine energy? How do I fit with either? How do you overuse one or the other?

Below, I've collected a few of the feminine and masculine aspects.


  • Non-Linear

  • Creative

  • Nurturing

  • Moon

  • Dark

  • Yin

  • Receiving

  • Left side of Body

  • Surrender

  • Empathy

  • Flowing

  • Sensual

  • Affection

  • Sharing

  • Tender

  • Patient

  • Intuitive

  • Water

  • Slow

  • Sensitive


  • Linear

  • Structured

  • Protective

  • Sun

  • Light

  • Yang

  • Giving

  • Right side of body

  • Freedom

  • Direction

  • Logical

  • Focused

  • Stable

  • Independent

  • Disciplined

  • Confident

  • Aware

  • Fire

  • Fast

  • Hard

What my coachee shared was a lightbulb moment for him (and me too). Recognizing and accepting his masculine and feminine energy was giving him a better choice of response, a better choice of how to be in the most appropriate way at every single moment. He felt free to be as he flows. 

As you understand, it is not about BEING feminine or BEING masculine but respecting those flows of energy.

In the letter #42 Existential Laws, I shared 7 laws of the universe.

(Since you can now notice them, how did things changed for you?) 

Number 6 was the law of Gender and Gestation that I will restate here for your benefit: 

Both male and female energies are necessary for creation. These are two complementary energies, that of giving and taking, which give rise to new creation. We can look at this as masculine, feminine, and gender-neutral. For example, speaking is masculine energy (asserting) and listening is female energy (receiving). Let’s be clear, the actual sex of the person is of no importance!

This is the creative law. This law decrees that all seeds – most importantly “thought seeds” – have a gestation period before they manifest. It takes an appropriate amount of time for thought, image, or creation to move into its physical counterpart.

Respect the creation process and welcome both the masculine and feminine energy.

This concept of masculine and feminine energies is relatively new to me and has been nothing short of a revelation I have to say… I hope it will be for you too.


  • What old beliefs do you need to deconstruct and what new beliefs do you need to build to acknowledge and nurture both your feminine and masculine energy?